Wedding bridal party flowers care
Bouquet care:
—Floretta wedding bouquets are delivered in boxes & containers of water, to keep them fresh, we recommend keeping them in the boxes / water until the very last minute.
—Store a very cool place away from direct sun & heating (a garage is ideal!)
The boxes are packed to keep the flowers from getting bruised & keep everything hydrated during transport.
—We recommend you keep them in the boxes during transport & until you want to use them. We also suggest that you take the box with you during wedding photos & put it back inside between photos, lying your bouquet flat on its side will bruise & damage the petals & turn any white or pale coloured flowers brown.
Holding your bouquet:
—Our bridal bouquets are created with a front & back, the pins in the ribbon on the handle signify the back.
—Hold your bouquet at waist level (many brides hold their bouquet over their chest which looks very strange in photos!)
Hair flowers, buttonholes & wrist corsages:
—Again store a very cool place away from direct sun / heat & heaters. (Not in the fridge!)
—Don't attach the buttonhole / wrist corsages / hair flowers until just before the ceremony to keep them looking fresh for photos, flowers damage easily especially when you're getting lots of hugs!!